10 research outputs found

    Contrastive Brain Network Learning via Hierarchical Signed Graph Pooling Model

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    Recently brain networks have been widely adopted to study brain dynamics, brain development and brain diseases. Graph representation learning techniques on brain functional networks can facilitate the discovery of novel biomarkers for clinical phenotypes and neurodegenerative diseases. However, current graph learning techniques have several issues on brain network mining. Firstly, most current graph learning models are designed for unsigned graph, which hinders the analysis of many signed network data (e.g., brain functional networks). Meanwhile, the insufficiency of brain network data limits the model performance on clinical phenotypes predictions. Moreover, few of current graph learning model is interpretable, which may not be capable to provide biological insights for model outcomes. Here, we propose an interpretable hierarchical signed graph representation learning model to extract graph-level representations from brain functional networks, which can be used for different prediction tasks. In order to further improve the model performance, we also propose a new strategy to augment functional brain network data for contrastive learning. We evaluate this framework on different classification and regression tasks using the data from HCP and OASIS. Our results from extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model compared to several state-of-the-art techniques. Additionally, we use graph saliency maps, derived from these prediction tasks, to demonstrate detection and interpretation of phenotypic biomarkers

    3D bi-directional transformer U-Net for medical image segmentation

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    As one of the popular deep learning methods, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have been widely adopted in segmentation tasks and have received positive feedback. However, in segmentation tasks, DCNN-based frameworks are known for their incompetence in dealing with global relations within imaging features. Although several techniques have been proposed to enhance the global reasoning of DCNN, these models are either not able to gain satisfying performances compared with traditional fully-convolutional structures or not capable of utilizing the basic advantages of CNN-based networks (namely the ability of local reasoning). In this study, compared with current attempts to combine FCNs and global reasoning methods, we fully extracted the ability of self-attention by designing a novel attention mechanism for 3D computation and proposed a new segmentation framework (named 3DTU) for three-dimensional medical image segmentation tasks. This new framework processes images in an end-to-end manner and executes 3D computation on both the encoder side (which contains a 3D transformer) and the decoder side (which is based on a 3D DCNN). We tested our framework on two independent datasets that consist of 3D MRI and CT images. Experimental results clearly demonstrate that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art segmentation methods in various metrics

    3D bi-directional transformer U-Net for medical image segmentation

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    As one of the popular deep learning methods, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have been widely adopted in segmentation tasks and have received positive feedback. However, in segmentation tasks, DCNN-based frameworks are known for their incompetence in dealing with global relations within imaging features. Although several techniques have been proposed to enhance the global reasoning of DCNN, these models are either not able to gain satisfying performances compared with traditional fully-convolutional structures or not capable of utilizing the basic advantages of CNN-based networks (namely the ability of local reasoning). In this study, compared with current attempts to combine FCNs and global reasoning methods, we fully extracted the ability of self-attention by designing a novel attention mechanism for 3D computation and proposed a new segmentation framework (named 3DTU) for three-dimensional medical image segmentation tasks. This new framework processes images in an end-to-end manner and executes 3D computation on both the encoder side (which contains a 3D transformer) and the decoder side (which is based on a 3D DCNN). We tested our framework on two independent datasets that consist of 3D MRI and CT images. Experimental results clearly demonstrate that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art segmentation methods in various metrics

    Interpretable Graph Representation Learning: New Theories and Applications

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    Recent decades have witnessed the prosperity of deep learning which has revolutionized a broad variety of fields, ranging from computer vision recognition to natural language understanding. Although deep learning has achieved great success on Euclidean data (e.g., images, language sequences), the studies and explorations of the deep learning methods on graph-structured data are far from enough. The graph-structured data, presenting the relations among different items, are ubiquitous in the real world, such as transportation networks, social networks, and biological networks. However, it is challenging for regular deep learning methods to capture the hierarchical structures rooted in the graph-structured data. Another limitation of the previous graph learning models is that most of them mainly focus on unsigned graphs (i.e., graphs that only include positive and negative edges) learning. Beyond these, most of the current graph learning models are not interpretable. To address these issues, new interpretable deep graph learning models are proposed for both signed and unsigned graphs to capture the hierarchical structures in graphs and yield whole graph representations for graph-level tasks (i.e., graph classifications, and regressions). Several graph-related applications are also presented to show the practical merits of graph-structured data to the AI community